Hi, i’m Austin. If you’re worried I’m some self important ego maniac cause I use my middle initial professionally, don’t be. Back in the long ago internet days, when dial tones ruled the earth, I had my name for a website but lost it. Years later, I could have gotten it back but at way too high a price so instead I pulled out the M and here we are. I’ve always been an artist but wasn’t paid for it until a few years ago. When I came to Los Angeles, I worked in production for live action shows and movies ( that includes The Muppets which was a dream come true), then I moved over to animation production at Disney Feature for about six years, then somewhere along the way I began showcasing my art in gallery shows until some television animation friends told me I could actually design for a living. What a glorious day that was.
Now, I mostly focus on 2D props and effects work, but am capable of designing for a 3D show. My most recent work can be seen on Disney Channels “Hailey’s On It” where I was Lead Props and Effects Designer.
When I am not designing for shows or working on my own personal projects, you can find me scuba diving along the coasts of Catalina Island, trying out the latest tiki inspired libation, or consuming a book on physics or another difficult subject that my friends have deemed “not a book to bring on vacation”.
If you have any questions about work, freelance, or just want to say hello, please click the connect with me link below. I hope to hear from you so we can make very cool things together.
- Austin
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Lead Props and Effects Designer - Haileys On It - Season 1 (Disney Television Animation)
Freelance Props and Effects Designer - Primos - Season 1 (Disney Television Animation)
Props and Effects Designer - The Day The Earth Blew Up (Looney Tunes) - movie - (Warner Brothers Animation)
Props and Effects Designer - Victor and Valentino - Season 2-3 (Cartoon Network)
Freelance Prop Designer - Ducktales (Disney Television Animation)
Prop and EFX Designer- Human Discoveries - Season 1 - (Shadow Machine Studios)
Prop Designer- Star Vs The Forces of Evil - Season 4 (Disney Television Animation)
Lead Designer- Freedom Finger Video Game (Wide Right Studios)
Line Attack 8 - Hive Gallery
The Auction of Many Things: A D&D Themed Art Show - Titmouse Studios
Cartoon Network Presents A Power Puff Girls Themed Art Show - Cartoon Network
Eat More Art Out 8: Next Stop, The Twilight Zone - Titmouse Studios
Eye on Springfield, A Simpsons Tribute Show- Meltdown Comics
and many many more...